Sihle Jonas
2025 Fellow
“I am a qualified nature conservator with 12+ years of experience in urban conservation, working within the government sector in the City of Cape Town. My passion and focus are on biodiversity protection, rehabilitation and community conservation. I have been working with different communities across the city on various biodiversity rehabilitation projects and the sustainable use of our natural resources.
In my previous job, I led my department’ woodcutter’s programme, allowing communities to harvest wood for subsistence within our protected areas. I currently lead the city’s spring flower no-mow project, which is primarily driven by collaboration and partnerships with communities.
I am currently employed as an ecological coordinator for the Recreation and Parks department, which focuses on managing conservation areas and stakeholder interface with neighbouring communities. This has enabled me to work for and with a diverse range of communities and stakeholders to address conservation matters and community engagement. I am currently working on projects enabling various communities to harvest indigenous plant seeds to rehabilitate our parks and replant medicinal plants in our public open spaces.
I am an active member of the city’s Ecological Management Committee, the City Nature Challenge Committee, and the committee on water quality in wetlands, waterways and the coastal environment of the city”.