Lessah Mandoloma
2023 Fellow
Born and raised in Malawi, Lessah is a DPhil student in Biology at University of Oxford. Her research interests lie in the field of Biodiversity Conservation and Agriculture, particularly to understand the linkages and trade-offs for conservation and agriculture in the context of developing countries. In her DPhil/PhD research project, she is using interdisciplinary approaches to address the question of how food systems and production can be changed to meet the needs of the growing human population, and how biodiversity goals can be achieved without compromising people’s food security. Besides working on her DPhil, she also serves as an African Universities ambassador (AUA) for the biology department, responsible for mentoring prospective African students as well as fostering research collaboration between researchers based in Oxford and those based in African research Institutions. She is very passionate about Human-nature interactions and the need to find effective solutions to achieve the balance.