Dr. Fayez Tembon
2025 Fellow
Fayez Tembon is a passionate environmentalist with a Ph.D. and Master’s
degrees in Environmental Management, Post Graduate Diploma in Project
Management (Cum Laude), Honours degree in Environmental Education,
Advanced certificate in Environmental Education (Cum Laude), Certificates in
Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Law Enforcement (Cum
Laude), amongst others.
Fayez is an Environmental Skills Development Consultant. She has experience in
Lecturing, Research supervision, Training and Skills development facilitation in
different media contexts. With a cumulative wealth of knowledge, skills and
experience of over 19 years, she uses her strategic lens to develop contextually-
relevant environmental training material and training programs.
Fayez is registered as an Assessor and moderator for various environmental and
project management qualifications with different SETAs and the QCTO of South
Africa. She is the founder and the Managing Director of FAKANAM Green School
of Excellence and consulting whose vision is to develop a “New generation for
ecological footprint reduction”.